Streat Drycom Ltd
Moisture is a critical factor in many application areas and significant benefits can be obtained by measuring the moisture of the product being processed. Drycom Moisture Measurement systems are designed to assist in the optimisation of production processes to maximise productivity, quality, operating efficiencies and profitability.
Streat Drycom Moisture Measurement Systems are precision instruments that use a unique adaptation of the conductivity principle. They are proven to be accurate, reliable, robust and are designed to operate in hostile industrial environments. The sytsem has been installed successfully in numerous factories in more than 50 countries.
Drycom has been successfully applied to many processes including, health care and sanitary products, conventional textiles, paper, grain, breakfast cereals, nonwovens and a wide range of associated applications.
- Increased profits
- Increased productivity by up to 20-30%
- Improved product consistency
- Improved downstream processing
- Reduced energy consumption
- Elimination of over-drying
- Reduced reprocessing
- Increased average moisture content, resulting in higher sales value
- Improved customer satisfaction
- Reduced shade variations
- Optimised processing conditions
Streat Labcom utilises the same trusted moisture measurement techniques in a range of laboratory instruments for use in quality control and invoice checks. A choice of measuring accessories is available to suit loose fibre, yarn, cones, bales and other products. F
or a uniformly dried sample, the system measures to an accuracy of +/- 0.5%. The result is immediate and there are no delays waiting for oven dried laboratory results.
- Immediate, continuous and accurate moisture measurement
- Up to three independent moisture sensors per Moisture Meter
- Measures down to 0% moisture content to approximately 2x the equilibrium moisture for the product under test
- Sensors measure the entire thickness of the product, not just the surface
- Readings are not affected by surface presentation, colour, temperature, normal variations in thickness or density
- Readings that consider the moisture profile in the product
- Storage of multiple ‘recipes’ enabling accurate measurement and control of different products, blends etc.
Streat Drycom systems are available in a range of configurations to suit different products and applications. In wool processing and cotton bleaching where water is extracted during processing, Drycom measures and monitors product moisture content and controls parameters of the dryer to optimise quality and minimise energy consumption.
In applications that require the addition of water, such as nonwoven and medical products, Drycom technology can integrate with spray systems to ensure accuracy of application. The systems are easily integrated into existing processing lines.
The LABCOM-8 Series systems are based on the proven DRYCOM-8 on-line technology and provide users with immediate, accurate and non-destructive moisture tests off-line. The LABCOM system is an ideal test for final product moisture measurement, and also for testing the moisture of the product along the processing chain, making it an invaluable trouble-shooting tool.
Sensors are designed for a wide range of off-line applications to allow testing of loose fibre, cones or hanks of yarn, tops, fabric, towelling, carpet, wood fibre, nonwovens, sliver and healthcare and sanitary products.