“There’s no such thing as standby…”
Standby doesn’t counter the cost, and standing by never will. The BTMA has partnered Businesswise Solutions
The pent-up demand for energy, following the pandemic coupled with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has led to unprecedented increase in wholesale energy prices. Combined with the drive to achieve Carbon Net Zero, a perfect storm is created. It has never been more urgent and important for businesses and the manufacturing sector in particular, to reduce energy consumption.
The cheapest and greenest energy is that which you don’t use. Businesswise Solutions (BWS) has time after time, proven that if you don’t measure energy consumption at asset level, then you cannot control your energy usage. Granular data and the tools with which to analyse that data are a prerequisite to understanding where energy is used and wasted, and taking action accordingly.
The BTMA and BWS have joined forces to help Member businesses drive down their consumption, typically BWS finds ‘quick wins’ of between 20 to 30% of consumption, with little or no cost to the company. Members will be able to find out how we can help you make significant improvements in your energy usage. The learning will be delivered via series of real-life examples of companies who have made significant strides down the road to Carbon Net Zero.